Vince Majestyk is a melon farmer who hires a crew of laborers to help bring in his crop. Some local nogoodnik tries to muscle out his workers so that his crew can be hired instead. It's stupid but it gets the plot going. Bronson gets charged with assault for handling shit the only way Bronson knows how.
When he is being transported for his trial, some more bad dudes attack the bus in an attempt to free another convict: the notorious hitman, Frank Renda. Bronson takes control of the situation and kidnaps Renda in the giant police bus without somehow being followed by anybody. He offers the police a deal. He'll give them Renda if they'll drop his assault charge. All he wants to do is bring in his melons. Renda escapes, vows revenge, etc.
Basically Bronson pisses everybody off and then they try to kill him.
There are two types of Bronson performances. Tough as nails. And tough as nails and occasionally flashing a charming smile. this movie falls into the latter category. He's not as laid back as in something like St. Ives, but he's having fun being a wise ass. The movie is fun if you enjoy Bronson (and really, who doesn't?). It has some very good car chases, an explosion or two, gun fights, and a scene where armed thugs open fire on a barn full of defenseless watermelons. And if this plot revolved around any other farmer than Vince Majestyk, then the A-Team would have to have been there lending a hand within the week. BA wouldn't have wanted to "get in no airplane." But luckily Mr. Majestyk can handle his own business and the A-Team could go help some other small farming town from being bullied.
The bad guys are pretty good. It is hilarious watching Renda and his mustache become obsessed with killing Majestyk. And Bobby Kopas is an excellent "thinks he's tougher and smarter than he is" character.
If you like movies where Chalres Bronson plays a watermelon farmer named Vince Majestyk, then you will love Mr. Majestyk.
But seriously, folks. Mr. Majestyk isn't ground-breaking or life-altering. If you're the type of audience for this kind of movie then you already know it and you will most likely enjoy it like I did. And if you still aren't interested maybe THIS will sweeten the deal:

Today's arbitrary rating says that Mr. Majestyk gets 87.3 Bronson wrinkles out of 109.
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