Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I like things. I like movies and music and books and people and most anything else that can be classified under such a broad word as "things." I suppose I could have called this "I LIKE STUFF," but I thought of the other title first. And it's too late to change that now.

I haven't exactly figured out what this is going to be, as far as format and structure are concerned. So if any of you who have decided to read my ramblings would bear with me as I further derail my train of thought, I would appreciate it.

I guess I'm just going to write about movies and music and whatever else seems to be occupying my short attention span. They probably won't be reviews as much as cases of me spewing too many words about a part in a movie that I rewound forty times the other night and nobody else will care about. Like in Die Hard when Theo yells, "The quarterback is toast!" I'll probably tell you about that. Maybe I'll have a section called "Unsung Heroes" in which I'll write about characters like him, the ones who deserve a little more recognition. Or maybe I'll just get bored and make a sandwich. I like things. And sandwiches are certainly things.

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